Yoga Classes at Present & Positive

Yoga with Liliana
- Monday @ 4pm: Gentle Yoga
- Monday @ 5pm: Vinyasa Yoga – All Levels
- Tuesday @ 8am: HIIT + Stretch
- Wednesday @ 8am: Vinyasa Yoga – All Levels
- Wednesday @ 5pm: Gentle Yoga
- Friday @ 8am: HIIT + Stretch
- Saturday @ 8:45am: Core Yoga
Open level – $20 Sliding Scale
More Information about All Classes Here
About Liliana
Liliana has been practicing yoga since 2013 and immediately recognized it as her true calling and gift. She has become versed in many forms, including Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yoga Nidra, and Aerial Yoga. The classes offered at Present and Positive are alignment-based and include breathwork and plenty of hands-on assistance for students of all levels. Her goal is to help students find peace within, presence in every-day life, and gratitude and happiness. You can read more about her passion on her website:

Yoga with Rena
- Saturdays @ 4:30pm: Restorative Yoga + Sound Healing
- Thursdays @ 5:45pm: Yoga Nidra
- Registration: Please text Rena @ 551-206-6086 to sign up for either class.
Self-Investment: $25
About Rena
Some call me forest faerie. I love the realms of light & magic that often go unseen day-to-day.
I’ve devoted the last 10 years to deepening my relationship with subtlety~ a means to uncover more multidimensional aspects of who we are.
Learning from nature & the seamless fields of coherence she creates, I work with the soma where her insights are tactile.
Formally trained in yoga + energy medicine, I weave together my great loves of subtle energy, lyrical poetry, somatics, dream work, intuitive studies and direct soul remembrance in private sessions & group experiences aimed to put others more deeply in touch with themselves.
It’s a joy to be sharing space at this time of great remembering.
I look forward to being with you soon.
Om Love
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Rena May
Energy Healer & Yogi